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Brisben Water Technologies is leading the way to solve the technology challenges involved in water recycling initiatives for the natural gas industry. In an era of declining production and increasing demand, economically producing gas from unconventional sources is the next level of the fossil-fuel recovery challenge.

Brisben Water Energy Services, LLC (EES), Brisben Waterʼs majority owned subsidiary in the energy services sector, provides water recycling technologies and services to energy companies in the natural gas industry. Our mobile Brisben Water Ozonix® technology is designed to clean and recycle water used in the completion of gas wells, reducing hauling and disposal costs. Energy companies that employ Brisben Water Energy Services' (EES) water recycling services will help ensure that present and future generations will have sufficient water resources to continue clean energy production.

Eco-Fracturing™: To create an environmentally-friendly EcosFrac Water Management® System that is capable of cost-effectively reclaiming water for maximum reuse and minimal waste in order to produce natural gas resources.


Ecos-Frac® Technology:

  • Eliminates Chemicals
  • Destroys Bacteria 
  • Inhibits Scale Formation
  • Oxidizes Hydrocarbons and H2S
  • Recycles Valuable Water Resources

Ecos-Frac® Services - Eliminate Biocides & Scale-Inhibitors:

The Ecos-Frac® Technology utilizes Brisben Water's patented, advanced oxidation and electro-chemical decomposition process called Ozonix® for the pre-treatment of raw water used for fracturing Oil and Gas formations. Brisben Water's high-volume, mobile water treatment units are capable of processing up to 120 barrels per minute (5,000 gallons per minute) at the well site. The EcosFrac™ Technology allows energy producers to reduce their environmental footprint by eliminating the need for chemical biocides and scale-inhibitors. 

Ecos-Brine® Services - Mobile, High-Volume, Fluid Reclamation:

The Ecos-Brine® Technology utilizes Brisben Water's patented, Ozonix® technology to control bacteria, inhibit scale, and oxidize heavy metals and organics. Brisben Water's Ecos-Brine®
service includes a combination of the Ozonix® technology paired with additional forms of filtration and separation for specific customers needs. The EcosBrine™ service is offered in mobile, treatment units that are capable of processing up to 300 barrels per hour. Using Ecos-Brine® allows operators to have a chemical-free method of managing  flowback water, produced water, and additional petroleum industry wastewaters. 


Ozonix® - Eliminates Chemicals in Hydraulic Fracturing: 

  • Ozonix eliminates chemical biocides used to manage microbial growth down-hole 
  • Ozonix eliminates scale-inhibitors used to manage scale deposition in the reservoir and in casing / tubulars
  • Ozonix reduces the amount of friction reducers needed to manage surface treating pressures and reduce fluid turbulence during the frac



Ozonix® Fact-Sheet         Ecos-Frac™ Fact-Sheet

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